Nothing is harder for me as a mother than to watch my kids suffer through surgeries, procedures, and hospital visit after hospital visit. It’s even more hard when I can’t do anything about their pain or help them in any way. All three of my kids have had surgeries, but nothing compares to my son […]
Author: admin
In my last post I talked about my son Nicholas’ eating challenges and sensory issues with food. He’s 100% G-tube fed and hasn’t eaten anything in almost two years. However, in recent months he’s been putting everything in his mouth and starting to explore food again. Now, I want to explain the main reason why […]
Lately, my son Nicholas has made some major improvements with food exploration. He has Autism, is non-verbal, and hasn’t eaten anything by mouth in almost two years. Nicholas had a G-tube placement when he was 6 weeks old for silent aspiration. When he was a baby, he had a couple of swallow study’s, and at […]
I talk a lot about my experience and difficulties when caring for my son Daniel’s colostomy bag here. Daniel was born with Imperforate Anus and had a colostomy bag for 15 months. He has since had a reversal and stools regularly now. There are many things I wish I had known and found out the […]
The first few weeks after coming home from the NICU were rough with both boys. Their medical equipment and needs were overwhelming. And I was only taught a few times how to use it before they sent us on our way. Something I recommend to anyone coming home with medical supplies from the hospital is […]
Having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a really hard and emotional experience. After having three babies in the NICU, I learned some important things along the way that I want to pass on to anyone in the same situation. Here are 10 ways to make your experience a little better. […]
I thought the birth of my daughter would be different than my sons. I honestly believed this baby wouldn’t have to stay in the hospital longer than a few days. I imagined we would be able to go home together. I had a good pregnancy with my daughter Grace. I had more amniotic fluid than normal with […]
Another baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This time for different reasons. My son Daniel’s stay was a little different than my son Nicholas’s time in the NICU and more dramatic. We knew Daniel was going to be born with some complications. At 16 weeks in the womb, through ultrasound we saw that his […]
This is where our journey begins. I had never really heard or thought about the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) until we experienced it firsthand. My first son Nicholas was born at 35 weeks after an emergency C-section. He wasn’t moving around anymore, so after a few hours of being on the fetal monitor, we […]
About a year before my son Nicholas was diagnosed with Autism, I started following some special needs blogs and autism blogs online. He had developmental delay and sensory processing disorder, so I had a feeling an autism diagnosis was coming. I started reading about people’s experiences for support, but also to educate myself. I think it […]