
To my son on his 3rd birthday

You’ve been through so much in your first three years of life. And no I’m not just talking about the eight surgeries you had before you were two years old. Or the daily therapy sessions and weekly doctor appointments. I’m talking about your relationship with your two siblings. Your brother has Autism and is sensitive […]

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This is his Autism

My son Nicholas will always have Autism. It won’t end when he turns 18 years old. It does not stop for anything. Autism is hard. It’s complex and unpredictable. It’s hard for our family to go anywhere. We almost always need help. My husband Steve and I take shifts when it comes to mealtime, because […]

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Struggling with sleep

Sleep has always been inconsistent for Nicholas. Some nights he’ll sleep through the night, while other nights he wakes up 1 to 3 times during the night. When he does wake up, I usually have to go in his room and help him go back to sleep. Falling asleep isn’t the problem, it’s staying asleep. […]

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