
Hoping For Acceptance During Autism Awareness Month

April 27, 2022

What does Autism Awareness Month mean to me?

It means educating people about what autism is – the signs, the characteristics, the behaviors.

It means teaching people how to act and what not to do with autistic people – say hi, don’t bully, be kind.

It means learning that no two autistic people are exactly like – some people talk while others are non-verbal, some people stim, some line things up, others are very social.

It means understanding everyone has a different story – there’s hard days, good days, positive days, terrible days. All of these are OK.

It means advocating and fighting for everything – services, therapies, fair education.

Awareness is knowledge. Once the knowledge is there, we are able to recognize what’s being taught. Then we can help and advocate for others. Which then turns into acceptance.

Acceptance is acknowledging that something is happening. Acceptance is seeing something different and not wanting to change it. Acceptance is the goal.

This month means spreading my kid’s uniqueness all over, and hoping for acceptance in return.

Please try to listen to us. Please try to understand us. Please don’t change us. Please just, accept us.

And maybe not just this month. But all the months.

And not just when you feel like it. Accept us all the time.

And then help us spread awareness.