
I’m Thankful For Our Therapists

We’ve been doing therapy since my son Nicholas was 6 months old. He was behind from the very beginning, and wasn’t hitting his milestones at all. He was oversensitive to everything, would arch his back a lot, and needed help with most things. It was recommended by his pediatrician that he start seeing an occupational […]

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Resolutions: It’s OK to say ‘no’

One of the things I want to work on this year is our busyness as a family. This includes therapy sessions, doctor appointments, and meetings with various service coordinators. After everything with the kids, there’s not a lot of time to be with our family. It’s easy to get sucked into all the therapy that […]

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Developmental Delay

Learning how to walk at 3 years old

I’ve been told a few times by doctors that my son Nicholas may never walk. He arched his back a lot due to low muscle tone, had sensory issues, and poor balance. Since the beginning, Nicholas has been delayed with his gross motor skills. He never liked tummy time, would roll over occasionally, and never […]

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