
Welcome to my Blog

September 5, 2018

Welcome to This Special Journey!

I was inspired to start this blog because my three kids have some special needs. I have learned so much in the past three years and I want to pass on my wisdom to anyone looking for advice or just simply some support. I want to share about our experiences and struggles in parenting kids with disabilities, but also hope to throw in some encouragement about motherhood and faith.

This adventure is something I never imagined I’d be on, but I’m learning so much along the way. We live a completely different life than most people. I’ve learned there’s nothing wrong with being different. No two kids are alike and everyone develops at their own pace when they’re ready. God blessed us with three kids with extra needs who need to be loved more than anything.

I want to educate, share our experience, and offer support to families who are in the same boat as us. We are not trying to fix our kids but simply love them for who they are. We wouldn’t want our family any other way. This is our life. This is our journey.

Please check out Our History in the menu bar.