
Autism and Genetics: Making Strides One Year Later

It’s been one year since Nicholas was diagnosed with Autism and a rare genetic mutation called ZNF462. Autism was something we expected, the genetic mutation was not. Both diagnoses left me scared with different emotions, however I also felt a sense of relief. We had answers and could now get him the help he needed. […]

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My son was born with Autism and it’s genetic

When I was eight months old, I had open heart surgery to repair my pulmonary valve that was only 2mm wide open. As a result, sometimes I have shortness of breath. I could possibly have another surgery in the future to replace the valve. Other than that I have no other medical conditions. Thirty years […]

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Third NICU baby in three years

I thought the birth of my daughter would be different than my sons. I honestly believed this baby wouldn’t have to stay in the hospital longer than a few days. I imagined we would be able to go home together. I had a good pregnancy with my daughter Grace. I had more amniotic fluid than normal with […]

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